Elephants are such a wonderful subject for monochrome images. I know I have shared dozens before, but what’s three more?
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Showcasing the beauty of Mother Nature
Elephants are such a wonderful subject for monochrome images. I know I have shared dozens before, but what’s three more?
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.
I’ve had a great time over the past 10 days reviewing all of my video clips from my time in Kenya and putting together some highlights as the last instalment of my wide angles only project. With the exception of the lion cub video clip, which was shot on a Panasonic FX1000, all clips were done on the Gopro, and I edited and built the video using the free Gopro studio software.
If you missed the video from Uganda, you can find that here.
Wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead. It’s time for me to ponder what my topic will be for May.
With the nasty weather setting in, I am again dreaming of the warmth of Africa. Here is a memory of Amboseli to start the week.
Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.
https://shopvida.com/collections/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.
I’m starting the week with my favourites, some elephants 🙂
Enjoy your day!
I had the best of intentions this weekend to get back on track with the WordPress photo challenges and get lots of editing done, but somehow I got sidetracked by the sunshine and warm weather. Hopefully I can get myself organized this week and start sharing some images and stories from my recent travels.
I know I ended last week with elephants, but they seem like a good way to start the week as well. Especially since I am still in a bit of denial that I can’t just walk out my door and just see them. (Note to self, time to start planning the next adventure).
Wishing everyone a great week ahead.
Elephant life seems a lot like ours…
After a week at work, the commute home can feel especially long, like you’ll never arrive at your destination…
A mid day nap might be in order, after lots of early mornings and late nights…
And after a particularly trying day, a hug from a friend might be all that you need…
Happy Friday all! Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead.
Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.
https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.
I returned home from an amazing holiday a few days ago and have only just managed to get all my photos loaded into Lightroom, so it will be a little while before I will be able to post photos from my recent adventures. If you’ve followed me over on Facebook or Instagram though, you already have some hints as to where I have been and what I have been seeing 🙂
Good thing I still have a stock of photos from my last trip, edited and ready to share, like these elephants from Amboseli National Park in Kenya. The elephant sightings were amazing there, and I think I can safely say, were even more amazing on this most recent trip. So stay tuned for some stories on interesting elephants encounters (and some non-elephant encounters too). Until then, have a great day!
Please visit:
www.jennifersawickyphotography.com for wildlife, landscape and nature inspired artwork.
https://shopvida.com/collections/voices/jennifer-sawicky for textiles inspired by my photography.