2020-05-24: Artistic Impressions

I’ve had some fun over the last few weeks playing around with some images in Topaz Studio and creating a bit of photo art.  I had been hoping to get out with my camera and capture some of the new birds I have been seeing around, but the weather has definitely not been conducive to that this week.  It seems to be a theme lately that I want to do more with my photography than time allows, but these sort of cycles ebb and flow, and there is no sense in getting all worked up about it.  I’m just happy that I have something to share this week.

Wishing everyone a positive week ahead!

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2020-02-03: Monochrome Monday

This image was created when I was playing around with my infrared filter during the early afternoon, in the down time between game drives.  This was shot from my deck while staying at Lion Sands River Lodge.  Infrared is definitely an area I want to explore more; this was definitely a case of playing around and seeing what happens, but I like the results.

Happy Monday everyone 🙂



2020-02-02: Panorama Route Landscapes

My main computer has gone into sick bay after several months of acting funny, so I am without my editing software for the next few days at least.  I do have a bunch of edited photos to choose from to create posts, but not quote as many as I would like on any one topic.  C’est la vie.  There’s nothing to be done about it, so I’ll just carry on and make the best of it.

Today I chose a couple of images I took while on a Panorama route tour in South Africa last May.  It was a beautiful day trip that I would highly recommend to anyone; it is well worth the tie, especially if you have a nice day to explore.

Both of these were shot in an area called The Potholes.

Fingers crossed I am up and running again like normal next weekend 🙂

Have a great week everyone!

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2020-01-06: Monochrome Monday

Happy Monday!

I thought a few landscape images would be a good way to start the week.  These are all from my last trip to South Africa.

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A view from the deck of Lion Sands Tinga Lodge.

The Potholes, one of the stops along the Panorama Route in South Africa.  Shockingly, while we were there we saw someone climb partway down one of the steep rock faces to take a selfie!  

An image I took at lunchtime at Lion Sands Rover Lodge, while playing around with my infrared filter.  It’s definitely something I want to work more with!

2019-12-08: Random photos from walks

I always take a camera with me when I go out for walks with my dog (or on the rare occasion when I go for a walk on my own).  I haven’t taken too many images in recent months, and as such hadn’t downloaded the card in quite some time.  While out on Thursday, I saw a beautiful barred owl near my house, and while reviewing those pictures, I found a few others I had forgotten that I had taken.

This is a bit of a random assortment of images taken since July, while out and about on walks.

I see this young buck frequently around the neighbourhood now, but this was the first time that I had spotted him while out on a walk.

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A violet-green swallow seen while out on a walk on the dikes in Pitt Meadows.

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A proof shot that there are moose in the neighbourhood, even if they are seen very infrequently.

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A barred owl spotted on my morning walk last week.

An early morning along the Pitt River.

2019-06-03: Monochrome Monday

I’ve just got a single image today as I try to ease my way back into editing, posting etc. etc. after holidays.

I took along my tripod and my new infrared filter, and played around a bit during the down time in the middle of the day.  This was taken from the back deck of my room at Lion Sands River Lodge.  There were often nyalas grazing in the tall grass, but here, just a few trees and the river in the background.

Have a great week everyone!


2019-04-14: Around Sunset

It’s quite nice not having a theme this month, as I can select whatever images catch my attention.  Today, it is a selection of images shot at or near sunset.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.

A sunset taken in Ongava Game Reserve in Namibia.

A pair of bull elephants play fighting on the banks of the Boteti River as the afternoon light faded.

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A leopard in a tree at sunset.  The stuff of magic.

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A lone zebra gives us a weary look as the sunset sets behind.

A leopard in the fading evening light.

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