2020-08-03: Monochrome Monday

I wonder if she can tune in to radio signals with those big ears? This beautiful kudu paused in a fairly clear area, allowing a photograph. They prefer to be in denser areas, and many times you’ll drive along and only see the impressive horns of the male peeking out through gaps in the trees.

2020-07-20: Monochrome Monday

This cheetah was a surprise during a game drive; to be honest, cheetah are never really on my radar when in the Sabi Sands, so every sighting of them is a bonus.

A female cheetah who was about to set off on a (failed) hunting attempt. Seen while staying at Chitwa Chitwa lodge in South Africa, May 2019.

2020-06-22: Monochrome Monday

Even though it was the rutting season, when males can begin to lose condition from spending all of their time and energy fighting over access to females, this one looked to be in fine form, with a shiny coat and a small herd to call his own… at least for a day or two.

Impala are beautiful animals and definitely interesting to watch while out in the bush. But the sound the males make when they are fighting, that is something else.

An impala ram patrolling at the outskirts of the small herd he had gathered together. South Africa, May 2019.

2020-06-08: Monochrome Monday

Being on safari in the dark is quite a magical experience. Some people find it scary, I am sure, as predators are more active after dark, but I find the experience exhilarating, even if the photo opportunities are more limited.

We came across this particular pride of lions on the way to a bush supper, and our spotlight was busted. Another vehicle came along and we had their spotlight for a minute to get a look at the cats, and then we were both off. This was the lead lioness, and the rest of her pride was a few paces behind her on the road and in the bushes. I’m sure my supper was far more easy to come by that evening than the lion’s was!

I’ve shared other lion at night images, if you missed them the first time around check here.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

2020-06-01: Monochrome Monday

I’ve kept on with the lion theme started yesterday, though with one a bit more active. She was taking a rather leisurely stroll down the road; she definitely had a destination in mind, but was in no hurry to get there.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

2020-05-04: Monochrome Monday

These two couldn’t have posed any nicer if I has asked them. A pair of young male waterbuck seen while on a game drive in South Africa.  Oh, how I miss that beautiful place!


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