Lesser Striped Swallows

I had a wonderful time watching the lesser striped swallows while staying at the Zimanga volunteer house.  There really wasn’t a time at home when they weren’t keeping us company, as they had established two nests inside the house, and one on the front porch where we typically had our meals.

I got used to them calling and chattering from the window when I checked my email (I wish I could find a link to post of their calls; they make such wonderful sounds) or swooping above my head while I had lunch or dinner outside.  My vantage point was usually not great to take photos of the swallows (lots of shadows), but spending the time watching them build their nests and interacting with each other was such a treat.

Since I don’t have a lot of variety in my swallow photos, I decided to take my favourites, and edit each of them in different ways.  Adding things like a vintage film effect isn’t part of my normal editing process; this has been a fun post to get ready.

It was lovely to capture on of the swallows on a bright, sunny day. 1/640 sec, f8.0, ISO 720
It was lovely to capture one of the swallows on a bright, sunny day.
1/640 sec, f8.0, ISO 720
Eyeing each other up. 1/1600sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Eyeing each other up.
1/1600sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Mid call or asking for some food?  I'm really not sure. 1/1600sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Mid call or asking for some food? I’m really not sure.
1/1600sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Coming into land on the window frame.  Edited with my normal, minimal adjustments. 1/1600sec, f6.3, ISO 400
Coming in to land on the window frame. Edited with my normal, minimal adjustments.
1/1600sec, f6.3, ISO 400

Scarlet Chested Sunbirds

I decided to work through the last of the sunbird photos I had flagged off, so that I could start on something new in the coming week.  Hopefully 4 posts in a row dedicated to just one bird type isn’t too boring.  I had hoped that I could include the white fronted sunbird I captured as well, but those photos were taken from the hide and the bird was in a tree quite far away.  Sadly, they are completely lacking.

1/320sec, f5.6, ISO 140
1/320sec, f5.6, ISO 140
It looks like this sunbird has a streak of pollen on his chest. 1/320sec, f5.6, ISO 180
It looks like this sunbird has a streak of pollen on his chest.
1/320sec, f5.6, ISO 180
I include this photo only because I absolutely love the shape her wings has created.  It looks like she is drawing a cloak around herself. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 500
I include this photo only because I absolutely love the shape her wings have created. It looks like she is drawing a cloak around herself.
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 500
After all that editing of sunbirds in aloe plants, I wanted to try something a bit different.  This photo was taken with the house in the background, giving a stark white backdrop.  I quite like the black and white treatment.  Thoughts? 1/1600sec, f5.6, ISO 400
After all that editing of sunbirds in aloe plants, I wanted to try something a bit different. This photo was taken with the house in the background, giving a stark white backdrop. I quite like the black and white treatment. Thoughts?
1/1600sec, f5.6, ISO 400
A male scarlet chested sunbird caught with an open mouth, and covered in pollen. 1/100sec, f5.6, ISO 800
A male scarlet chested sunbird caught with an open mouth, and covered in pollen.
1/100sec, f5.6, ISO 800
A male scarlet chested sunbird stretches for an aloe flower. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 800
A male scarlet chested sunbird stretches for an aloe flower.
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 800
1/800 sec, f5.6, ISO 800
1/800 sec, f5.6, ISO 800


Scarlet chested sunbird – dirty look

A scarlet chested sunbird appears to be giving a bee a dirty look.  I guess the bee was on the aloe flower she wanted to eat from! 1/640sec, f8.0, ISO400
A scarlet chested sunbird appears to be giving a bee a dirty look. I guess the bee was on the aloe flower she wanted to eat from!
1/640sec, f8.0, ISO400


Female Scarlet Chested Sunbird

While at the Zimanga volunteer house, I had a great time in the garden on a few afternoons, taking pictures of whatever birds happened to be hanging around.  A pair of scarlet chested sunbirds allowed me to hover around them for close to an hour while they had a meal at an aloe plant.  Unfortunately, getting a photo of both of them together was not in the cards, but I do have lots more photos of them to go through and post in the near future.

1/100sec, f5.6, ISO800
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO800

Find this photo on Smugmug:


Beautiful evening

After the pea soup fog the last few days, where I could barely see across the road, it was lovely to see the sky clear today.  Even lovelier was the sunset, with the sky like a painting.
Photo taken with my Samsung Note 3.


Black Bellied Bustard

I saw both male and female black bellied bustards while at Zimanga Reserve, but only managed to capture a few photos of the male, on a couple of different days.  Each time, it was on the ground looking for food, and took off after being startled by the approaching vehicle.

Like most bird species, the female is far drabber in appearance, and lacks the black belly.  Unfortunately the only photo I have of a female is completely out of focus as it was shot from the moving vehicle.

Black bellied bustard-3 Black bellied bustard-2 Black bellied bustard

Thank you

As 2014 draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone that takes the time to stop by and view my photos.  This blog has introduced me to some amazing photographers and writers, and I am inspired and awed by so much of the work that I see.
I am so grateful for the connections I have been able to make through this site 🙂
I have started working on a second site, for photo sales, Jennifer Sawicky’s Smugmug Site and will be adding to both this blog and the sales site on a regular basis in the coming year.  If there are any past photos that you think I should be adding, please let me know.
All the best in the coming year to each and every one of you.  We are closing the year out here with beautiful, sunny skies and while my camera has remained at home, I captured a few nice shots on my phone the last couple of days.


Vervet Monkeys

While at Zimanga Game Reserve with Wildlife Act, our group was fortunate enough to have two sessions in their fantastic bird hides.  The first was an afternoon session in the Bhejane birdbath hide, and the second, where these photos were taken, were from a morning session at the Mkhombe birdbath hide.  The morning session provided over 900 photos, and not just of birds; warthogs and the vervet monkeys came from a drink as well.

While the vervet monkeys can be incredibly cheeky around a lodge or camp, snatching food and wrecking havoc should they decide to go inside, I find them fascinating to watch and love seeing their antics.  Around the birdbath, they were more concerned with each member getting a drink than getting into any mischief (although there was one snacking on the scattered birdseed).  I especially loved to see the moms with the tiny babies clinging to their stomachs, and I believe there were either two or three babies in the troop.

Mom inspects the water while the baby peeks out between her arms. 1/1600sec, f7.1, ISO1600
Mom inspects the water while the baby peeks out between her arms.
1/1600sec, f7.1, ISO1600
The little one on the right was close to falling into his drink! 1/1600sec, f9.0, ISO1600
The little one on the right was close to falling into his drink!
1/1600sec, f9.0, ISO1600
Careful Mom! The baby's head is dangerously close to the rocks as she leans in to drink. 1/1600sec, f9.0, ISO1600
Careful Mom! The baby’s head is dangerously close to the rocks as she leans in to drink.
1/1600sec, f9.0, ISO1600
Everyone likes to make silly faces at babies! 1/1600sec, f9.0, ISO1600
Everyone likes to make silly faces at babies!
1/1600sec, f9.0, ISO1600
A vervet monkey leans in for a drink at the Mkhombe birdbath hide. 1/1600sec, f7.1, ISO1250
A vervet monkey leans in for a drink at the Mkhombe birdbath hide.
1/1600sec, f7.1, ISO1250
It's always nice to have a drink with a friend. 1/1600sec, f7.1, ISO1250
It’s always nice to have a drink with a friend.
1/1600sec, f7.1, ISO1250

Zimanga Game Reserve

Wildlife ACT

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