2016-11-04: Feel Good Friday

Friday already!  It really snuck up on me; this week has gone by in a blur.

You know what I wouldn’t like sneaking up on me, is this beautiful girl.

Have a great weekend everyone!


2016-10-17: Monochrome Monday

A trio of leopard shots for this Monochrome Monday.

You can find these, and lots of others here on my website.  Your walls surely deserve an update with some new artwork – matte or glossy paper prints, traditional, stretched or thin wrap canvas and even prints on metal.  Check it out!





2016-10-16: WPC Mirror

I’m a bit behind on the weekly photo challenges, but I found some topics that interested me that were released while I was on holidays, so I am going to catch up on them over the next week or so.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend!

2016-10-16- WPC Mirror.jpg
An egret reflected in the waters of the swamp at Amboseli National Park.  Kenya, September, 2016.  1/1250 sec, f10, ISO 640.

WPC: Mirror

2016-10-14: Feel Good Friday

The week has flown by, happy Friday everyone!

My feel good Friday photo this week is one of two gorgeous leopard cubs we spent time with while staying at Ngala.  The sighting was made all the more enjoyable by the excitement of the people I was sharing the vehicle with.  One of the women had hoped and hoped she might see leopard cubs; this was her last game drive before flying home, and she got her wish.  It’s lovely when things work out that way 🙂

Leopard cub, Ngala Private Game Reserve.  South Africa, May 2015.  1/500 sec, f7.1, ISO 720.
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