Things I missed

Sunday morning walks with Spencer are my very favourite.  When we get up and head out early, we can find, for a few brief moments, a bit of quiet space.  On Sunday mornings, the trucks aren’t moving around in the gravel pit along the river, and fewer people are out early in the mornings.  There are gaps when we don’t hear a train in the distance or the hum of the airplanes on the landing path into YVR – and we can hear the birds chirping, the geese honking, the ducks quacking and the breeze rustling the trees.

It was in one of these blissful gaps that I realized how much I miss while out walking the same stretch of dike.  How did I fail to notice the blinking light on the top of the buoy in the channel?  I’ve seen it every weekend for months, I’ve been past it on a jet ski and on boats, but until today I never actually looked at it.  I know this is true in all aspects of my life – how much gets done or accomplished in busy-ness without really thinking about it, rushing around without really seeing what’s happening, being consumed with mental clutter and stress…

So this morning, I took photos of some of the things I have missed, over and over again.

I spent most mornings through the fall heading out to the dikes to take photos for my fog project, and I don't know how I failed to notice the flashing yellow light on the river!
I spent most weekend mornings through the fall heading out to the dikes to take photos for my fog project, and I don’t know how I failed to notice the flashing yellow light on the river!
The dikes are dotted with memorial benches, and occasionally Spencer will pause long enough to let me read the plaques.  These flowers have long lost their lustre, but are now home to one or more spiders.  I wouldn't have noticed the webs without the fog collecting on them.
The dikes are dotted with memorial benches, and occasionally Spencer will pause long enough to let me read the plaques. These flowers have long lost their lustre, but are now home to one or more spiders. I wouldn’t have noticed the webs without the fog collecting on them.
I'm not sure how I failed to notice the bright orange-yellow tone of these branches before, but this morning they stood out amongst the dead grasses and blackberry brambles.
I’m not sure how I failed to notice the bright orange-yellow tone of these branches before, but this morning they stood out amongst the dead grasses and blackberry brambles.
I'm not sure what type of birds these are, but their music was beautiful.  It was so quiet this morning that I could hear them singing and chattering long before I could figure out which tree they were perched in.
I’m not sure what type of birds these are, but their music was beautiful. It was so quiet this morning that I could hear them singing and chattering long before I could figure out which tree they were perched in.
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