Lilac-breasted roller

While organizing photos, I came across a few lilac-breasted roller shots that frankly, I forgot I had.  They are from my trip this past October / November to Zimanga.  While there, I didn’t have a lot of success capturing the roller, as most of the time we were driving when I noticed it, and it was gone by the time we stopped, if we were able to stop at all.  If there is a more beautiful bird though, I’ve not seen it yet.  When the sunlight strikes its feather, the colours are just amazing.

Enjoy the photos and have a lovely day.

A cheeky glance over the shoulder.   1/500 sec, f5.6, ISO 100
A cheeky glance over the shoulder.
1/500 sec, f5.6, ISO 100
If the light would have been on my side, this obviously would have been much better.  I included it as I really like the composition. 1/400 sec, f5.6, ISO 100
If the light would have been on my side, this obviously would have been much better. I included it as I really like the composition.
1/400 sec, f5.6, ISO 100
Perched in the thorn tree, I snapped this just moments before the roller took off. 1/1000 sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Perched in the thorn tree, I snapped this just moments before the roller took off.
1/1000 sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Up and away.  Not the sharpest in flight shot, but a lovely display of the colourful feathers nonetheless. 1/1250 sec, f5.6, ISO 400
Up and away. Not the sharpest in flight shot, but a lovely display of the colourful feathers nonetheless.
1/1250 sec, f5.6, ISO 400

You can see some of my roller shots from my first trip to South Africa here: Lilac Breasted Roller, The lilac breasted roller.

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