2015-09-07: Monochrome Monday

Here are a few photos from my wanderings in the past week, that I thought would look interesting converted to monochrome.

Have a great Monday!

A bit of an odd photo, but I like it, so I included it.  I just loved the way the frost glistened on the hood of this truck.  If I wasn't on my way off to walk with Spencer, I would have gone back for my macro lens and played around; given we are just moving into fall, I guess I'll have lots more opportunities! 1/3200sec, f5.6, ISO 320
A bit of an odd photo, but I like it, so I included it. I just loved the way the frost glistened on the hood of this truck. If I wasn’t on my way off to walk with Spencer, I would have gone back for my macro lens and played around; given we are just moving into fall, I guess I’ll have lots more opportunities!
1/3200sec, f5.6, ISO 320
A few of the wildflowers have hung on despite the frost, but these ones seemed resigned to summer having passed. 1/800sec, f5.6, ISO 500
A few of the wildflowers have hung on despite the frost, but these ones seemed resigned to summer having passed.
1/800sec, f5.6, ISO 500
Some of the roadside tall grasses, glistening with frost in the early morning sun. 1/800sec, f5.6, ISO 1250
Some of the roadside tall grasses, coated with frost and catching the early morning sun.
1/800sec, f5.6, ISO 1250
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