2015-11-15: What I’ve seen this week

I’ve been having a wonderful time watching the birds discover the feeders in the yard over the last week.  So far, I have seen grey jays, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers and flickers visiting.  Perhaps there are more as well, that are visiting when I don’t happen to be looking out the window.

Of course, I’ve been taking my camera out on walks as well, but most of the photos this week are from the backyard.

I hope you enjoy, have a great evening!

I love the expression of this little black capped chickadee, waiting for its turn on the feeder below. 1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 2200
I love the expression of this little black capped chickadee, waiting for its turn on the feeder below.
1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 2200
A pair of red breasted nuthatches frequent the feeder, always taking turns and coming one at a time. 1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 4000
A pair of red breasted nuthatches frequent the feeder, always taking turns and coming one at a time.
1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 4000
I started noticing the hairy woodpecker at the suet feeder towards the end of the week.  I wish I knew if this was part of the family I have been seeing at the end of my road. 1/500sec, f5.6, ISO 1100
I started noticing the hairy woodpecker at the suet feeder towards the end of the week. I wish I knew if this was part of the family I have been seeing at the end of my road.
1/500sec, f5.6, ISO 1100
The best I have captured so far of the pine grosbeaks in the area.  They are always in fairly large flocks and very vocal - and they don't like to keep still! 1/400sec, f6.3, ISO 1400
The best I have captured so far of the pine grosbeaks in the area. They are always in fairly large flocks and very vocal – and they don’t like to keep still!
1/400sec, f6.3, ISO 1400
A black billed magpie calls out to its friends on a beautifully sunny afternoon. 1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 140
A black billed magpie calls out to its friends on a beautifully sunny afternoon.
1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 140
A pair of black capped chickadees on clean up duty.  They've spilled so many sunflower seeds the last couple days, I might just have to take the feeder away for a few hours to encourage them to tidy up! 1/500sec, f5.6, ISO 250
A pair of black capped chickadees on clean up duty. They’ve spilled so many sunflower seeds the last couple days, I might just have to take the feeder away for a few hours to encourage them to tidy up!
1/500sec, f5.6, ISO 250
This was the first flicker I saw visiting the suet feeder; I was so excited I tried taking pictures out the window.  When looking through the photos from the week this morning, I realized I've had at least 3 different individuals visiting :) 1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 3200
This was the first flicker I saw visiting the suet feeder; I was so excited I tried taking pictures out the window. When looking through the photos from the week this morning, I realized I’ve had at least 3 different individuals visiting 🙂
1/400sec, f5.6, ISO 3200
This flicker has some red cheek markings, but not as large as the other one. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 6400
This flicker has some red cheek markings, but not as large as the other one.
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 6400
A male flicker dining on some suet cake.
A male flicker dining on some suet cake.
This flicker has no visible cheek markings at all - a female coming to visit. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO6400
This flicker has no visible cheek markings at all – a female coming to visit.
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO6400
Not the sharpest photo, but I included it for anyone that hasn't had the pleasure of seeing a northern flicker in person.  I find them to be so stunning, and the orange colour that shows up when flying is so beautiful. 1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 6400
Not the sharpest photo, but I included it for anyone that hasn’t had the pleasure of seeing a northern flicker in person. I find them to be so stunning, and the orange colour that shows up when flying is so beautiful.
1/1000sec, f5.6, ISO 6400
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