This week has flown by, as most of them seem to do lately. Rather than ramble on and on, I’ll get straight to the pictures.
I hope you enjoy, and wishing everyone a wonderful week 🙂
A pileated woodpecker that I spotted at the top of my road Tuesday morning. 1/640sec, f4.0, ISO125 (Taken with my new Panasonic camera. I’m pretty impressed with it, and it certainly is nice and light to take on walks)I glanced out the window while in my office, and noticed the pileated woodpecker in the forest behind my house. This one was shot through the window with my Nikon / Tamron combo. 1/500sec, f6.3, ISO640 @ 600mmI ventured outside to get a few shots, keeping a safe distance so I wouldn’t startle the woodpecker. 1/640sec, f6.3, ISO 2200Not a classic bird photo, but I love the contrast of the blurry branches and the nicely lit eye. 1/640sec, f6.3, ISO 2500 @600mmI ventured out to West Lake yesterday, because as you can see, it was just too nice to be indoors. There was quite a brisk breeze, and the place was deserted save for one other car. Spencer had a great time sniffing along the edge of the frozen lake. 1/640sec, f8, ISO 125An eagle’s nest high in the treetops. I imagine once the tree is in full leaf, many people sitting at the benches below wouldn’t even realize that it is there.I noticed movement in the nest, but was having a hard time seeing what it was. On full zoom, I finally caught sight of an eagle 🙂 1/640sec, f4.0, ISO 160An explosion of movement that I wasn’t prepared for at all. I had no idea there were two eagles in the nest until they decided quite suddenly to vacate it and head for another nearby tree. Given the proximity to my house, I wonder if this is the pair I saw a few weeks ago at the deer kill site?Eagles always look quite fierce to me, so it’s hard to tell if this is a dirty look, or just a normal one. 1/1250sec, f4.0, ISO200A bit of preening in the sun. 1/1250sec, f4.0, ISO 160One final shot before it was time to head home. 1/1250sec, f3.8, ISO 125