2019-03-25: Monochrome Monday

I’m keeping with yesterday’s Palm Springs theme, but this time, a black and white interpretation.

I hope everyone’s week has gotten off to a fantastic start!

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Deconstructed palm trees.
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Palm fronds.
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Joshua Tree at dusk.
A Joshua tree and a sky full of stars.
Joshua Tree by day.
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Lots and lots of desert plants, speaking loudly without any words.  So clearly saying “Look, but do not touch”.
This was taken in the back garden of the property I stayed at.  I kept hearing a familiar call, but didn’t realize that there were flickers in Southern California.  Here, it is being tormented by a couple of Costa’s hummingbird.  All I had to hand was my Panasonic camera, which at full zoom leaves something to be desired, but I’d rather have the moment than not.  I always find it interesting seeing tiny hummingbirds bossing around much larger birds.
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