2019-06-30: June in Review

June’s topic of the month

June was topic free, as I worked to try and get back on track after holidays.  I’ve actually found that to be a little bit of a struggle, and still haven’t really found my routines again.

What’s new this month

June felt like it flew by, and I certainly didn’t accomplish as much as I would have liked with my photography.  But, the summer months are fleeting, and I am trying to spend as much time as possible outside, enjoying not needing to bundle up in three or four layers in the morning to take the dog for his walk.

I’m slowly working my way through my image catalogue from my travels, going through my process of starring the images I want to review further.  So far I am only halfway through my two star session, but I have taken a break from that on occasion to do a little bit of editing to share on the blog.

5 favourites of the month

What’s coming up next?

I was visiting with a friend a couple of days ago, and she was talking of her love of baby elephants and lion cubs.  So, a month dedicated to babies in the bush seems as good a topic as any 🙂

For those that are printing out the calendar pages; the links for July and August are below:

Full page calendar for July & August

Half fold calendar for July & August



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