2019-07-29: Monochrome Monday

I’ve had the amazing good fortune to see wild dogs on all of my trips to Southern Africa.  I don’t think I could ever tire of spending time with these amazing animals; seeing the interaction between different members of the pack is always an interesting experience.  On this past trip, I had two different sightings; one where the dogs were active and out in the open, and the other, where they were lazing away the morning deep in a thicket.

Here a few of my images from these two sightings.


Alert and at the ready.  Lion Sands River Lodge, May 2019.
Always a good idea to check on who, or what, might be sneaking up on you from behind.
Two of the pack members greeting each other; the behaviour of our pet dogs at the dog park is so similar.
Taking the path of least resistance; a pair of dogs set off down the road.
A pack of wild dogs resting deep in a thicket at mid morning.  This group was seen in the Timbavati, whilst staying at Kings Camp.
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