2016-11-04: Feel Good Friday

Friday already!  It really snuck up on me; this week has gone by in a blur.

You know what I wouldn’t like sneaking up on me, is this beautiful girl.

Have a great weekend everyone!


10-31-2016: Monochrome Monday

This is a first edit of a photo pulled from deep in the archives, shot with my first dSLR camera and lens combo while on a cruise, January 2012.  I’m really liking how this has turned out 🙂

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If you’d like to have this on your wall, click here 🙂


10-30-2016: Vida Voices Collection

I am very excited as I have been wanting to share this opportunity that I have been working on for some time!

Jennifer Sawicky – Vida Voices Collection


I have been working on creating textile designs from my photography with a company called Vida.  I was hesitant to make any announcement about it until I had product in hand; now that I have seen the tops and scarves, I am confident in the quality of the products that they are making.  I have been having lots of fun editing my photos for this project, utilizing both photo realistic and stylized designs.


This is something that I will be working on over time, and as I add some new designs, I will share them here as well as on my Facebook and Instagram pages.  Certainly if you have any suggestions of photographs that should be added, please do let me know!


As always, you can find my work available for print sales here.


2016-10-24: Monochrome Monday

Some elephant love on a Monday morning.  This is from my recent trip to Amboseli; what a wonderful place to spend time amongst the ellies.  You can find this available for purchase here.

Have a great week everyone!

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2016-10-23: What I've seen this week

This time last weekend, there was snow on the ground and it was a soggy, rather miserable day.  But on my afternoon walk, I spotted one of the deer families and managed to get a couple quick pictures.  It’s wonderful to see that this mom has managed to keep the young ones safe, especially with the coyotes in the area.

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That’s all I have for this week, hopefully there will more photo opportunities in the week to come.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday 🙂

2016-10-22: WPC H2O

I could have shared any number of photos taken along the river near my old home, with lovely sunrises and mountains… but this spoke to me more.  I recently took a bird watching trip along the Kazinga channel in Uganda, and this village was at the turn around point for the tour.  For a photo challenge topic of water, a photo shot from the water, of a village that completely relies on the water, seemed fitting.

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Hopefully these fishing boats were safely moored for the night, as the storm that rolled in about an hour after I shot this brought with it some intense wind.


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