2018-05-14: Monochrome Monday

Just a giraffe popping in to wish you an excellent week ahead.


We were parked at the top of a hill for coffee when a giraffe suddenly popped into view, walking up one of the slopes.  Phinda Game Reserve, May 2017.

2018-04-30: Monochrome Monday

The sun over the Boteti River.  Each time I have been to Botswana, I have found the sky there completely mesmerizing.  This past trip was no exception.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead – happy Monday 🙂

Leroo La Tau Camp, May 2017.

2018-04-23: Monochrome Monday

Such an amazing animal to spend time with on safari.  The social dynamics of the wild dog packs are fascinating to watch, though if they are on the move, it is nearly impossible to keep up with them.  This pack member looks on while some other members were starting to get up and ready themselves to set off.

African Wild Dog – Okavango Delta, Botswana.  May 2017.

2018-04-16: Monochrome Monday

I’m starting the week off with an adorable baby elephant that I had the pleasure of spending part of my last morning on safari with.  It never hurts to start the week with something sweet 🙂

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead.


2018-04-09: Monochrome Monday

A trio of cats to start the week.

Wishing you all a fantastic one ahead 🙂

This leopard was the star of many of my images one evening in the Okavango Delta.  We stayed with him while he lounged in the tree, while another vehicle from the lodge was making its way over so some late arriving guests could spend some time with him as well.  Since I had spent over an hour with him at sunset, this night image under spotlight was captured just an opportunity to play around later with editing.
As soon as this young cheetah rested her head down, she was invisible in the grass.  With the location she was in, I am still in awe of the tracker that spotted her.
The king of the savannah heads off to patrol his territory (or find some shade for a nap).  Given the amount of time lions sleep, it was probably the less glamorous sounding second option.


If you’d like to see more images like this, head over to my gallery to see some of my favourite.  And remember, you can find beautiful textiles with my images on my Vida site.

2018-04-02: Monochrome Monday

Does this bring back memories of childhood for anyone else?  Of the times when your sibling was being a complete jerk and Mom looked on and told you to sort it out for yourselves??? 🙂

Happy Monday Everyone!

Got your tail!  A pair of leopard cubs play under the watchful gaze of their Mom.  Londolozi, May 2017.

2018-04-01: Wide Angles Only

I have a real tendency to want to zoom and and get close up with subjects.  I have been without a long lens now for my main camera since making the switch from Nikon to Fuji, as I patiently wait for the 100mm – 400mm lens to go on sale.  So, I thought that this is a great opportunity to embrace the gear I have, and explore the world in wide angles only.  I am going to limit myself to 25mm and under for this project.  I went out and played around with the concept yesterday in my yard… or what I can access of it with the amount of snow still on the ground!

We had a fair bit of snow overnight on Thursday, and much of the snow remained on the trees still by Saturday morning.   With a strong wind and clear blue skies, it was interesting to watch the snow flying through the air.  The images didn’t turn out quite as expected, mostly because I physically couldn’t get into the position I wanted to to take the shots, but that’s how things go sometimes.

Watching the snow fly. Fuji XT-2 with XF 18mm – 135mm lens, at 18mm. Cropped slightly to remove the vignetting from the filter stack I was using.
Luckily the large clump of snow heading downwards missed me and my camera by a few inches! Fuji XT-2 with the XF18mm – 135mm lens at 24mm, cropped slightly to straighten the image.

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