2024-07-07: General Game

When you are on safari and see lots of antelope, giraffe, zebra and the like, many guides will say it’s been a good day for general game. I enjoy all the wonderful animals on safari, so decided to use that as a selection process for a few photos to share today.

A waterbuck and her calf, seen in the Timbavati, South Africa. April, 2024.
A group of zebra, part of a much larger herd, enjoying a drink in Savute, Botswana. April, 2024.
We came across this waterbuck at the perfect time for a nice reflection shot of him having a drink. Timbavati, South Africa. April, 2024.
A very watchful kudu at sunset. Timbavati, South Africa. April, 2024.
Giraffes at sunrise. Timbavati, South Africa. April, 2024.

2021-02-15: Monochrome Monday

I can’t see an image of a male kudu without hearing the voice of my guide Harley, from Chitwa Chitwa, saying “So Majestic!” I’d never had a guide before that had an antelope as a favourite animal, but they are very impressive creatures, especially when you get a chance to see them out in the open.

2020-08-03: Monochrome Monday

I wonder if she can tune in to radio signals with those big ears? This beautiful kudu paused in a fairly clear area, allowing a photograph. They prefer to be in denser areas, and many times you’ll drive along and only see the impressive horns of the male peeking out through gaps in the trees.

2019-11-11: Monochrome Monday

The waterbuck image caught my eye today while I was editing, and I thought a selection of antelope would be a good feature for the day.

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This nyala was grazing peacefully behind my room, so quietly that I didn’t notice him until he was quite close to the edge of the deck.  I was sitting out enjoying the early afternoon with a book and a cup of tea.

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I can’t see a photo of a male kudu anymore without hearing the voice of my guide Harley saying “So majestic!”

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This waterbuck was the boss of the dam, and was busy keeping all the females and youngsters in check while I was watching him.

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An impala ram in his prime, taking a break from guarding his harem to take a quick drink at the dam.





2019-06-09: Kudu

When I am out on safari, I like to ask the rangers and trackers what their favourite animal is to watch, or what they would like to see while out on a game drive.  Usually, the answer is one of the larger predators, or elephants.  But I had a first with our last guide, Harley, while staying at Chitwa Chitwa.  His favourite animal is the kudu.

Kudu are a truly impressive animal, especially the males with their huge spiralling horns.  They have enormous ears that rotate around like satellite dishes, to aid them in picking up sounds while they are in amongst the trees.

Here are a few kudu images for today.  It seemed as good a topic as any!

If you’d like to learn a bit more about kudu, here is the Wiki page for them:


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A kudu cow and calf.

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A classic model pose!

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A trio of kudu leave the Chitwa Chitwa dam under the midday sun.

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A kudu bull heads back into the relative safety of the tree cover.

A kudu cow just before she ducked deeper into the bushes.  Getting an unobstructed view of these animals is definitely a challenge.


2016-12-24: Photo Slideshow

Hi everyone!  I recently put together this photo slideshow for my photo club Christmas party, and thought I would share it here as well.

The photos are taken over the past three years, and there are several from each of my trips to Africa.

I hope you enjoy, Merry Christmas, and all the best for the coming year.

Chitwa Chitwa Highlights

I was originally planning to combine the two areas of the Sabi Sands I stayed at into one highlights post, but I’ve been having such difficulty finding the time to work on my photos the last few weeks that it just wasn’t feasible.  Fingers crossed I’ll be able to get to the final highlights post this weekend, so I can move on to the other editing projects that I want to do – and get out and do some more shooting too!

This guy only had eyes for one thing (the female that  is out of shot).  More about that in another post.
This guy only had eyes for one thing (the female that is out of shot). More about that in another post.

We turned the corner, and there he was!
We turned the corner, and there he was!

A huge group of vultures gathering near a kudu carcass.  They were waiting for a female lion to clear off before heading in fight for scraps.
A huge group of vultures gathering near a kudu carcass. They were waiting for a female lion to clear off before heading in fight for scraps.

A wild dog peers at us from between two small tree trunks.
A wild dog peers at us from between two small tree trunks.

A lion take a pause from his kudu breakfast.
A lion take a pause from his kudu breakfast.

A dagga boy.  One of the old buffalo bulls cooling off in the watering hole.
A dagga boy. One of the old buffalo bulls cooling off in the watering hole.

A yellow billed hornbill, or as my Dad likes to say
A yellow billed hornbill, or as my Dad likes to say “the flying banana”.

A wildebeest enjoying the cool air of early morning.
A wildebeest enjoying the cool air of early morning.

Not who you would expect to see in a wallow.
Not who you would expect to see in a wallow.

One of my favourite birds, the beautiful lilac blasted roller.
One of my favourite birds, the beautiful lilac breasted roller.

This time-lapse was one of my first attempts, and shows a mid afternoon at the dam in front of Chitwa lodge.  Lots of waterbuck around that afternoon!

I hope you enjoy, and have a lovely day!

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