2016-09-04: Cee's Photo Challenge Feathers

I noticed this challenge before taking off on holidays, and thought it would be a great chance to showcase a series of photos I had edited and saved in a folder titled water birds.

I hope you enjoy!

A rufous bellied heron.
An African darter drying its wings.
An egret stalking in the shallows.
A mixed group perched in a dead tree, including African spoonbills and sacred ibis.
An African jacana.
A grey heron standing very close to a nile crocodile.
A brown hooded kingfisher.
A pair of malachite kingfishers.
A hammerkop.
A pair of pied kingfishers in the Okavango Delta.

Please note, I’m away for several weeks, so I have scheduled some posts in advance. I will moderate and respond to any comments just as soon as I am able.

I am hoping to be taking loads of photos, so if you would like to follow along, please feel free to give my page a like on Facebook @jennifersawickyphotography and a follow over on Instagram at jensawicky.


Cee’s Photo Challenge: Feathers

2016-09-02: Feel Good Friday

Happy Friday Everyone!

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A leopard and her son at Ngala Game Reserve.  May, 2015.  1/800 sec, f7.1, ISO 1000


I’m away for several weeks, so I have scheduled my regular Monday, Wednesday and Friday posts in advance. I will moderate and respond to any comments just as soon as I am able.

I am hoping to be taking loads of photos, so if you would like to follow along, please feel free to give my page a like on Facebook @jennifersawickyphotography and a follow over on Instagram at jensawicky.

2016-08-30: WPC Rare

I’m a couple days late with this one, but I thought rhinos were (sadly) an ideal subject for the topic of rare.

A fork tailed drongo flew by at the perfect moment in this photo, casting a beautiful shadow on the rhino.

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White rhino, Sabi Sands, South Africa. May, 2015.  1/1000 sec, f8.0, ISO 400


WPC: Rare

2016-08-30: Artistic Impressions

It’s been a busy week as I’ve been getting ready to head off on holiday, and I haven’t been out taking many photos. I have seen loads of wildlife though, including 5 deer at one time, a bear, and the hairy woodpecker family.

Since I have nothing new to share this week, I thought I would post a few more of the photos I call my artistic impressions.

I hope you enjoy them, have a great week!





2016-06-19: Artistic Impressions

This week we have had some truly awful weather (I heard it referred to as Junuary, and that was pretty appropriate since the high one day was 6C with 60+mm of rain) and as such, I haven’t been out with the camera much.  So, I thought I would share a few of the photos I call my ‘Artistic Impressions”.  Generally, I like to keep colour photos as true to life as I can remember, and take my liberties with monochrome edits to highlights the subject to it’s best advantage.  Sometimes though, a photo seems to be asking for more, and I take it (for me) to an over the top place.  I’ve been having some fun recently doing more of these artistic edits, and thought I would share a few today, since I don’t have anything else.

Have a great week everyone!

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My sunset shot in the Sabi Sands got photobombed by a dragonfly.  
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An interesting afternoon in the Sabi Sands, the skies built and a fantastic electrical storm followed about an hour after this.
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Dead Vlei in Namibia; reducing the saturation really made the footprints in the dunes stand out.

2016-06-17: Feel Good Friday

These lions were amazing to spend time with while in the Sabi Sands in South Africa.  Over the course of a few days we spent time with them on two kudo kills, watched as the female chose which of her suitors she preferred (the one pictured here, of course) and even saw them mating several times.  Animal interaction in the bush is always exciting, and I learned new things which each game drive.

Thinking about spending time in the bush, and looking through my pictures, certainly helps to put me in a great mood 🙂

Here’s to a great weekend ahead!

Enjoy your Friday! 🙂

Yawn… it’s the end of the week.  

2016-06-16: WPC Pure (#2)

I came across this photo and it fit so beautifully with the previous post I did for the topic pure, that I had to share this one as well.

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A little nuzzle from mom for this young zebra, seen during my stay at Londolozi.  South Africa, May 2015

WPC: Pure

2016-06-14: WPC Pure

It was wonderful watching the group that these two zebras were a part of; there were several youngsters in the group, but this little one was by far the tiniest.  She spent lots of time nuzzling close to mom, and when she curled up for a rest, Mom kept a watchful eye and was never far away.

I find it so peaceful to spend time bearing witness to these animal’s lives, if only for a few moments.  That’s my take on this week’s topic: Pure.

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WPC: Pure

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