2017-02-05: What I’ve seen this week

The early part of this past week I had a couple of great wildlife sightings in the neighbourhood, but after Tuesday, nothing at all.  Fingers crossed for an interesting week ahead.

Enjoy the photos and the rest of your day 🙂

On my late afternoon walk Monday I spotted this barred owl at the top of my road.  I managed a couple quick shots before it flew off.  It was snowing and quite gloomy, so not an excellent photo, but an exciting sighting for me.
Tuesday I spotted this fox in the backyard while working.  It hung around for about five minutes before disappearing into the bushes.
Taking a quick nap in a sunbeam.
Sniffing for mice or other prey.
Here the fox is investigating the deer bowl.  I’ve not seen the deer now in about 3 weeks, since we had our thaw and refreeze.  The squirrels, ravens, grey jays and magpies are enjoying the food source though.  Soon enough it will be time to put all that away as spring shows up and the bears start to awaken.


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