2019-05-11: What I’ve seen this week

Here are some images from the past week of my travels, staying at two properties; Lions Sands River and Tinga Lodges.  I have had a wonderful time being back in the bush again!  It’s tea time shortly and then off to see what the afternoon has in store, so I will keep this brief.

I hope you enjoy my selections!

One of my rare view of a scrub hare in the daylight.
A group of oxpeckers atop a rhino.
A long-crested eagle and a fork-tailed drongo.  The drongo had been mobbing the eagle, and resumed its pestering when the eagle took flight again.
A wild dog looks off towards the rest of the pack.
A very relaxed lioness.
Baby elephants are just the cutest!
Elephants galore on an afternoon game drive.  I think we saw more ellies than impalas!
An elephant quenches his thirst, with a large herd of buffalo in the background.  Two of the big five in one shot 🙂
A family of dwarf mongoose in the fading afternoon light.
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An impala making good and sure this lioness was heading off.
A buffalo making his way past our vehicle, while some rhino look on.  Another two of the big five in one shot.
A group of wild dogs greeting one another.
Soon after this was shot, this baby elephant picked up the pace to catch up with Mom.
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