2021-01-24: Elephants – Little and Large

I felt called to work on some elephant images this week, and as soon as I came across a the first photo I thought a selection of images showing little and large would be just right. I can’t even put into words the magic that I feel when spending time amongst elephants, and a breeding herd is extra special, with the lovely bonds and all the extended family pitching in to help look after the little ones.

I was fortunate to have a huge number of elephants sightings on y last trip and have lots of images to choose from. Which is a good thing, because it is still going to be a long while before I’ll be there again.

This little one was one of the smallest members of the herd, and was heading back to Mom for a suckle. This sighting was during a late afternoon game drive from Chitwa Chitwa in the Sabi Sands.
A tiny elephant calf almost obscured by the low brush, following behind what was probably an older sibling or aunt. This sighting was at Kings Camp in the Timbavati, and we were amongst a large herd of elephants. Every direction we looked from the vehicle there were ears flapping and trunks browsing. Heaven!
A cheeky youngster making itself look very big and imposing by flaring out its ears. Too cute!

Wishing everyone a wonderful week ahead.

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