2016-05-12: WPC Earth


20160511_WPC Earth
The beautiful Okavango Delta from the air seemed a fitting photo for the WordPress weekly challenge – Earth. Botswana, April 2015


You can find this, and many more for purchase here

WPC: Earth

2016-05-01: What I’ve seen this week

The back yard continues to get busier, as more and more birds are heading into town.  The warm weather has also meant trips to the garden centre to start sprucing up the yard, and getting some colourful flowers to contrast the sea of green.

This weekend has flown by, and there is still much to do, so I will leave it at that and get to the photos.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

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Not the sharpest photo, but nice to have evidence of a few rufous hummingbirds getting along, and sharing the feeder.
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A pileated woodpecker seen on a morning walk.
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The purple finches have arrived, and along with the yellow pumped warbler, are filling the yard with lovely songs.
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The yellow pumped warbler – he’s quite a shy one!
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From the trunk up… I have no idea what type of tree this is, but it was one of the things that caught my eye while doing a photo walk downtown early this week with my local photo club.
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Lovely blossoms, but again I ave no idea what variety.
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I saw three deer while out on my bike Sunday afternoon, and then this single one spent a great deal of time in the yard on Monday.
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I snapped a few quick photos of this bird before it flew away; I was unable to tell until I got it on the computer that it is a red breasted sapsucker.
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Another view of the lovely deer that visited on Monday.
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Enjoying the backyard salt lick.

2016-04-26: Namibia by Air

I’ve seen only a small portion of Namibia, but what I did see, was absolutely breathtaking.  We utilized small plane transfers to move between lodges in different regions, and combined a scenic air tour of the coast on one of the transfer legs, in order to squeeze in a bit more sightseeing into a very picked itinerary.  I’ve posted a few photos from the air transfers before, but decided to edit the balance I had flagged and create a single post of images.

I hope you enjoy, and have a wonderful day!

Namibia By Air
Passing a deserted road winding along the hills, while flying on a 4-seater Desert Air plane to Sossusvlei. 1/1250sec, f11, ISO 400
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Gorgeous textures in the hills, and such a wide variety of colours.
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There were amazing views in every direction, and through all the flights, we only saw a handful of vehicles, until we got very close to either Windhoek or Swakopmund.
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Red dunes as far as the eye can see, topped with a fine layer of fog.
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Leaving Sossusvlei and heading for the coast.
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On of the many shipwreck along the coast of Namibia.
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I believe this was an abandoned mining community, but I’m not 100% sure. Whatever it was, the sand is reclaiming the land back to nature.
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Tire tracks along the beach of people that had recently been by to view the wrecks up close.
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We flew over several huge flocks of flamingos… I hope one day to see these birds up close to photograph them.
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Where the dunes meet the sea.
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The sand and water make such beautiful patterns.

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Flying along a dry river bed into the Damaraland area of Namibia.


You can find some of these, and others for purchase here.

2016-04-05: WPC Landscape

Looking back through my photos, I think some of the most stunning landscape photos I have were taken in Namibia.  The amazing contrasts of such clear blue skies and the red sand, to me it was just breathtaking.

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While on route to the dunes around Sossusvlei, we pulled to the side of the road to have a chance to capture the sun rise. April, 2015
1/250sec, f22, ISO 360


WPC: Landscape

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